
Showing posts from August, 2019

Suspected heart failure with preserved ejection fraction

Ip no - 201900829917 39 yr old female patient sand weaver by occupation came with complaints of shortness of breath and pedal edema since 4days that are gradually progressive ( grade2-3),she siad she used to stop in between when she was to walk for long distance that gradually progressed to shortness of breath for small distance over period of 4 days and  there also history of  orthopneoa and 2 episodes of PND associated with dry cough that resolved. No h/o wheeze,cold,fever,burning micturition, decreased urine output Past history :  20 yrs back when she was 5 months of gestation she developed pedal edema,facial puffiness and gestational hypertension and she was treated for it.after 5-6 months of delivery her pedal edema decreased. Then 14 yrs back during 2nd child birth she developed shortness of breath and emergency LSCS was done K/c/o peripartum cardiomyopathy?  She also gives history of using antihypertensive  medications intermittently prescribed  by RMP